
Fish on, Yvon.

When he cast the rod the first time he just said, “Beautiful, this casts just beautifully” -  "Amazed at the incredible artistry in wrapping this rod"

Positive feedback for what we do is the oil that greases our collective souls.


Earlier this year I had the absolute privilege to work on a little collaboration with Christian Hörgren from Fine Tackle Sweden.  We’re fortunate enough to work with Christian regularly, but this project promised something particularly special.

Back in May I emailed Christian to see if he would be interested in performing one of his simple yet totally sublime builds for a guy that Jeanie and I have huge respect and admiration for - as it turned out, Christian held him in the same high esteem and agreed without hesitation. “A privilege"

At the time we had Bill Klyn from Patagonia  staying with us for a couple of days. Bill took a shine to our glass rods and reckoned he had a mate that would really appreciate our simple “RetroTech” Epics. Hence the email to Christian way up there in Sweden.

The build was pretty well documented with Christian painstakingly taking photos for us all to see. The process was documented step by step by Cameron Mortenson over on The Fibreglass Manifesto 

The rod was to be a surprise - so we’ve kept the identity of the unsuspecting recipient under wraps for the past 6 months. But we couldn’t think of a more inspirational business leader or environmentalist to have as a pinup boy ;-)

Huge thanks to Bill Klyn for the final delivery, photo’s and for having such cool mates.

Keep up with the incredible products, innovation and environmental initiatives from Patagonia Fly Fish on Facebook 


Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard fly fishing his Epic 580 fiberglass fly rod


Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard fly fishing his Epic 580 fiberglass fly rod


Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard fly fishing his Epic 580 fiberglass fly rod

Fish on Yvon.

Epic 580 fly rod by Christian Horgren & Swift Fly Fishing


Epic 580 fly rod by Christian Horgren & Swift Fly Fishing


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